Friday, March 9, 2012


What kind of amnesia is it called where you wake one morning and cant remember your life?Amnesia.........?
Technically it's known as...

"my system crashed and no-one rebooted me"...nesia

This was a very common trait in dinosaurs, in particular, in the little known... "He'll - forget - he - thought - he - saurus"...!

Jagermeister does it to meAmnesia.........?
I don't remember.

I was curious and looked it up for you, but I'm not sure if you were joking or not, lol. I don't even know if this is good enough to help you, so hopefully someone with real knowledge will come along here and be able to give you a more specific and professional answer.

Anyways, I had to copy and paste it because, ironically, I have problems with my memory. I wouldn't be able to remember what I just saw on the other web page by the time I got back here to try and type it, or put it in my own words. I am going to make a wild guess though and say I think it **might** be the third one, "Transient global amnesia," but I'm probably wrong.

I also included the URL (below) for you, in case you want to read all of it. There was way too much to put here.

"Anterograde amnesia is the most common. It is characterized by the inability to store, retain, or recall new knowledge after the event that triggers the onset of amnesia. Patients in this state often cannot remember what they ate for their last meal or events from the immediate past. They may fill in gaps in their memory with fabricated events (confabulation). This is the type of amnesia seen in dementia and Alzheimer鈥檚 disease.

Retrograde amnesia is the loss of memories of events that occurred before the onset of amnesia. This is the form of amnesia most people think of when they hear the word amnesia. It often occurs after a head injury.

Transient global amnesia is a temporary loss of all memory, especially the ability to form new memories, with milder loss of past memories, going back several hours. "鈥?/a>

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