Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Is it possible to choose what you want to forget if you get amnesia through hypnosis?

There's only some parts of my life I want to forget, I don't want to forget EVERYTHING! I just want to forget all the memories I made after transferring to a new school in 4th grade, my middle school years, my "friends" from middle school, and some other certain people.Is it possible to choose what you want to forget if you get amnesia through hypnosis?
I don't think there's such thing as selective amnesia. And hypnosis is meant to resurrect memories, not block them out. I think you would be better off discussing these memories with a professional who can help you work through the traumatic parts of your youth. It's far better to come to terms with your past than to block it out. It makes you a better person. And repressing memories is how a lot of disorders manifest. Whatever it is that happened to you is important in your development into who you are today. Everyone has a bad time in their adolescent years. What matters is how you have grown from our awkward years.

Talk to a clinical psychologist about this. If it is something that really needs to be erased, rather than just dealt with, there are some methods out there (such as ECT). But they are very destructive and are only worth using in the absolute worst of cases.Is it possible to choose what you want to forget if you get amnesia through hypnosis?
No, it's not possible to forget large chunks of your life using hypnosis. Hypnotherapy is not magic and it does have a lot of limitations. For example, if you saw one of these certain people, your mind will still associate the person with the bad times you want to forget and react in the same way.

However hypnotherapy would be excellent for helping you overcome the negativity surrounding your school years and change the reaction you experience when you see one of these people from a negative to something more positive, and allow you to move on.

I hope this helps.



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