Tuesday, March 6, 2012

What happens if a Gay person had an amnesia?

Will he still be gay? Will he remember being gay? I mean were there any past cases where a homosexual had an amnesia but still retain their flamboyant gayness?What happens if a Gay person had an amnesia?
They would still be gay
They themselves will still be gay. Depending on the amount of memories they have lost, it's possible he/she will forget coming to terms and accepting their sexuality and go back into denial. Or their personality might change to back to the point that they can remember, so maybe they'll become less confident about themselves. Of course it all depends on the type of amnesia too. Some people forget absolutely everything about their life so they may be unsure of their identity, but they will still be attracted to the same gender as before.What happens if a Gay person had an amnesia?
He won't remember wanting to be with guys in specific but he'd still like men because it's got nothing to do with memories. And flamboyancy is something people sometimes can't help. It depends - if they rebooted his personality and everything then maybe he wouldn't be flamboyant - but honestly I put that down to being born like it. Some gay guys are naturally flamboyant and others aren't.
Will he still be gay? Yes.

Will he remember being gay? Depends on the extent of the amnesia. There are many different kinds.

Retain their flamboyant gayness? Only if they are flamboyant to begin with. Then maybe. Everybody's personality is to a certain extent formed by their past experiences.What happens if a Gay person had an amnesia?
So what happens when a straight person had amnesia? Will he still be straight? will he remember being straight? I mean were there any past cases where a heterosexual had an amnesia but still retained their ignorant straightness?

Same answer, Yea. Obviously =_=" Sunshine, try harder.
Most likely, yes, they would still be gay, although it would probably take them time to realize it. I think it would depend on how far back the amnesia goes.

Gay people aren't always flamboyant, by the way.
what happens if a fat person has amnesia?

do they forget to eat?
Since sexual orientation is innate, that shouldn't change. Het people don't suddenly turn gay or lesbian if they have amnesia.

If someone were bisexual..? Who knows.
Amnesia affects memory, not orientation! Of course he would wake up gay! May not know who he is or who he has been with, but he will still like boys!
it would depend on the accident and the type of amnesia. cool question though

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